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Earlsfield Primary School


Nursery applications are made via the school and Reception through the council.  

Casual admissions for Year 1 to Year 6 can be made at anytime via the council.

Visit the council website

If at any point you are unhappy with the allocation of places for Reception or Secondary Transfer  then you have the right to appeal.

Nursery Admissions

Our Nursery is 39 Full-Time Equivalent (39 FTE)

Part time places are allocated Monday to Wednesday lunchtime and  from Wednesday lunchtime to Friday. When and if top up places are available this will be at a cost of £115 per week. Please contact Ms Victor if this is something that you are interested in.

We follow the criteria for admissions as set out by the London Borough of Wandsworth in their booklet 'Starting School in Wandsworth', copies of which are in school, at the local library or can be accessed through the link above. As stipulated by Wandsworth, there is no automatic transfer from Nursery to reception and parents are asked to reapply for reception places. 

Part time 1

Mon/Tues 8:50am to 3:05pm

Wed 8:50am to 11:30am              

Part time 2

Wed 12:25pm to 3:05pm

Thurs/Fri 8:50am to 3:05pm


8.50am – 3.05pm Mon to Fri 


All children in England are entitled to receive a good quality, part-time Early Education place from 1 September, 1 January or 1 April following their third birthday.

This is known as the Universal entitlement. An Early Education place is up to 570 hours of education in an academic year which can be taken as 15 hours a week in a nursery or provider that is open up to 38 weeks of the year.

Step 1 Admission groups

Earlsfield applies the guidance provided by Wandsworth and must consider nursery applications in group order starting with Group A and finishing with Group E. Please refer to ‘Choosing nursery education in Wandsworth.’

Step 2 - Admission criteria

If there are more nursery applications than places within the admission group that the school has reached, the school’s admission criteria will be used to decide which children can be offered a place within that group.

  1. Children looked after, or who have an allocated social worker who has provided written support of the application or children who are the subject of adoption and special guardianship orders who were previously looked after by the Local Authority.
  2. Children who are recommended for a place at that school following an action plan agreed by a multidisciplinary group* (for example Team around the Child (TAC).
  3. Children with a brother or sister currently attending the school and who will still be at the school when the child is admitted.
  4. Children who live nearest to the school by a straight line between your home and the centre of the school site calculated by Wandsworth Council’s Geographical Information System.

30 hour full-time places

Having applied the criteria to determine eligibility for a Nursery place, the Governors of Earlsfield Primary School have agreed that the following criteria be applied (in numerical order) in respect of full-time places.

  1. Children looked after, or who have an allocated social worker who has provided written support of the application or children who are the subject of adoption and special guardianship orders who were previously looked after by the Local Authority.
  2. Children who are recommended for a place at that school following an action plan agreed by a multidisciplinary group* (for example Team Around the Child (TAC).

Once the above have been administered 30-hour places will be allocated provisionally on the basis that the follwoing eligibilty is met. The household must:

  • Be a two-parent working family or a lone working parent
  • Have each working parent earning between: - the equivalent of 16 hours a week at the National Minimum or Living Wage (includes income received from Tax Credits or Universal Credit), and - earning less than £100,000 per year (Please note if one parent’s income exceeds £100,000 the household will not be eligible).
  • Both parents usually working, but one is temporarily out of work for a particular reason, as explained below: - One/ both parent/s is away from work on leave (parental, maternity etc.) - One/ both parent/s is in receipt of Statutory Sick Pay
  • Parents on zero-hours contracts will be eligible, as are those who are registered as self-employed.
  • One parent is employed and the other parent has either: substantial caring responsibilities/ and or disability based on specific benefits received for caring; is a foster carer with their own three- and four-year-old children.
  • Parents who are in training will not be eligible as they can receive other Government support

To ensure that your child can receive the additional 15 hours entitlement, parents must apply and have their codes validated by the Local Authority, After checks on the HMRC website, the provisional offer will be withdrawn if parents do not meet the above criteria.

If there are more applicants than places available, places will be offered on the following basis:

  1. Children with a brother or sister currently attending the school and who will still be at the school when the child is admitted. Where the number of fulltime applications exceed the number of places, places will be allocated by age, with priority given to the oldest applicant within the sibling group.
  2. Children who live nearest to the school by a straight line between your home and the centre of the school site calculated by Wandsworth Council’s Geographical Information System.

*When deciding whether a child has an educational, medical or social need, the Headteacher will consider the child’s needs or circumstances, supporting evidence from other professionals, and the availability of nursery classes in neighbouring schools. Nursery Application Form Please return completed forms to admissions@earlsfield.wandsworth.sch.uk  

Top Ups

When we have the capacity, parents who are not eligible for a 30 hour place may top up their 15 hours at a cost of £115. Please note that  this does not include lunch. 

Reception Admissions

Admissions to Reception are managed by the Local Education Authority and applications should be made directly to them.

Our published admission limit is 60. If you would like to find out more visit Wandsworth Council Admissions or phone Pupil Services on 020 8871 7316.

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Year 1 to Year 6 Admissions

Casual admissions for years 1 to 6 are managed by the Local Education Authority and applications should be made directly to the via their dedicated web page or via 020 88717316

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