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Earlsfield Primary School

British Values

What are British Values?

As of 2014, the Department for Education published guidance stating that all schools have a duty to actively promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.

These are linked to our school values and are promoted through so much of what we do. As a Level 2 Rights Respecting School, we place the voice of the child at the heart of the school and aim to encourage our children to be caring, tolerant and respectful citizens of their local and global community.

Below are some of the ways in which we promote these fundamental British values at Earlsfield Primary School.


  • An elected school council with children from Years 1 to 6
  • Year 6 Peer Listeners
  • Pupil Voice in year and end of year surveys
  • Year 5 attend the Junior Citizenship scheme run by the Local authority.
  • School Council visits to the Houses of Parliament
  • Year 5 Democracy topic and visit from local magistrates
  • Assemblies on topics such as Rights & Responsibilities, Democracy & Freedom of Expression.

Rule of Law

  • Class, school and playground charters
  • Internet safety lessons and assembly
  • The school travel plan
  • Cycle Training
  • Junior Citizenship Scheme
  • Road Safety workshops
  • Year 6TfL workshop
  • Year 5 democracy topic including a visit from the magistrates
  • Eco schools
  • Assemblies on topics such as Right & Wrong, Tolerance, Good Manners & Honesty

Individual Liberty

  • Circle Time
  • Assemblies on topics such as Freedom of Expression, Making a Difference & Making the right choices
  • School Council meetings
  • PSHE curriculum where children learn about confidently expressing their views and understanding their rights and responsibilities
  • Pupil Voice end of year survey
  • Debating in Literacy and Topic lessons
  • Fundraising and campaigning for local, national and global charities

Mutual Respect & Tolerance

  • RE curriculum including visits to a range of places of worship
  • PSHE Curriculum taught through a range of subjects as well as through our assemblies
  • Assemblies on topics such as Celebrating Differences, Active Citizenship and Community
  • Our enquiry based curriculum incorporates learning from a range of cultures and historic periods
  • Learning about different cultures through Literacy using our Power of Reading scheme
  • Visits from leaders of different faiths