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Earlsfield Primary School

Governor news

Autumn 2023

In addition to formal Governing Board meetings, governors also regularly attend school.




Debbie and Julia

The safeguarding leads recently came into school for their termly visit to review safeguarding practices at school and gain assurances that safeguarding remains effective.  As part of this visit governors reviewed the school's safeguarding records, processes around safer recruitment, overview of inductions and safeguarding training for staff.  We also took the opportunity to talk to members of staff about how their roles impact on safeguarding at the school.  We were very pleased, as ever, to see how seriously school approaches safeguarding and looking at areas for improvements to ensure the safety and well-being of all our pupils at school.


Pupil Voice visit



The Vice Chair of Governors met with a selection of children in the second half of the autumn term as part of a ‘pupil voice’ themed visit. The children did extremely well and answered lots of different questions across a range of topics including about their learning; their learning journeys; the special reading texts in their classroom ‘treasure chests’; the Fullan 6Cs; the school’s various pupil-led groups; wellbeing and safeguarding (including e-safety). The children from Reception, Year 1, Year 3 and Year 6 were incredibly enthusiastic, engaged and polite. The governors are particularly pleased to hear that the children feel safe and happy at school and that they feel confident about how to ask for help in relation to their learning, safety and wellbeing if the need should arise.


History review


Cathy, Deena and Ryan


We are very proud of the progress all our pupils make. As governors we are always keen to learn about what is delivered as part of the curriculum and how. This week we learnt all about History and Geography in a subject deep dive. We were able to see how lessons are planned, delivered and assessed, and hear from the subject lead how she is building and planning to make these two subjects even better. We were able to see Fullan’s 6C’s in action, and understand how content is adapted to make it informative and enjoyable for all students


What do Governors do? Assembly


Deena and Cathy

Our Chair and SEN link Governor came into assembly on Friday to share with students (and teachers) ‘What do Governors do?’. We were excited to talk about our roles and the various areas we cover. We were also impressed with how well pupils listened and remembered during the quiz at the end. We appreciate that sometimes it is hard to know what we do and why we do it. So watch this space as we are hoping to provide more regular updates throughout the year to demystify and keep you all up to speed with the Governing Board


Inclusion and SEND Learning Walk





The SEN link Governor joined EPS’s inclusion manager for a learning walk to see how the strategies indicated on the Wandsworth Ordinarily Accessible Provision (OAP) are being used or embedded across the school to ensure that every pupil can have support to learn or access the curriculum.  

The OAP is like a self-directed audit that the school SENCo/Inclusion manager uses with staff to check that the recommended resources or strategies that support learning for particular groups of students with specific learning styles or additional needs are being used across the school.  

This learning walk was a wonderful opportunity for the link governor to see how teachers and support staff are all using strategies that support students to be able to get the most out of their learning opportunities at EPS. 




Deena and Ryan

Monitoring Pupil attainment is a key aspect of our role as Governors. To do this we meet with Mrs Bryde once a term to review the data. This is normally in the form of a variety of reports depending on the time of year and the assessments completed by pupils. This is important as it is a useful way of supporting the school about how best to support pupils and to work together to identify solutions to any patterns or trends we can see. We are always proud to see how much care is taken to really help each individual reach their full potential.