Home Work & REMOTE LeARning
EP never fails to amaze me, and the dedication and care you have continued to show the children over the last year during the lockdowns has been quite outstanding. Despite schools closing, you have managed to continue to create such a stable learning environment for the children, a sense of purpose and routine, which has honestly been a total life saver for them. EP and all the teachers have truly gone the extra mile for the children
I just wanted to send a massive thank you for the very impressive home learning set up. We have found the timetable easy to follow and having the slides available has been really useful. The children have been fully engaged with the live lessons and independent tasks with minimal input from me. The level of work is achievable in the time and the children are happy to do it. You are doing an amazing job and we are very grateful.
Hello reception team,
We just wanted to thank you for your hard and very precious work especially over the last months. x has always been very positive and proud about her teachers and school and you have managed to make her feel at school even though throughout a screen and able to maintain her enthusiasm and attention during her “meetings” which are now so part of her routine, and her little sister’s too!
Thank you for supporting her learning and growing even from a very safe social distance!
Outlined below are our approaches to Homework (traditional model) and Home Learning in the event of class, year group or lockdown as a result of COVID-19.
Homework at Earlsfield
Our homework policy outlines our expectations with regards to homework
In Early Years and Key Stage 1 homework is set through Seesaw. Each child is provided with a code.
Find out more via https://web.seesaw.me/platforms-parents
In Key stage 2 it is a mixture of traditional worksheets and Google Classroom. Each child is provided with a login.
Earlsfield Google Classroom Guide
Remote Learning: Arrangements in the event of a individual isolation, class, year group or lockdown as a result of COVID 19 -
Throughout periods of Home Learning as a result of COVID we have frequently reflected on our provision.
Key questions we ask are:
- What did we learn about our online delivery with regards to home learning?
- What kind of learning is needed for children to make progress at home?
- How did we ensure equity?
- How did we monitor pupil well-being?
- How can we constantly improve our provision
The guidance issued in July 2020 by the DfE (Department for Education) stated that:
‘Remote education may need to be an essential component in the delivery of the school curriculum for some pupils, alongside classroom teaching, or in the case of a local lockdown. All schools are therefore expected to plan to ensure any pupils educated at home for some of the time are given the support they need to master the curriculum and so make good progress.’ The guidance issued on Friday 28th August 2020 states similar aims.
Who manages remote learning?
The strategic overview is led by Steve Trow (Headteacher) with technical support provided by Andy Allan (Computing Subject Leader.) Planning and delivery falls in line with normal school routines and be monitored by the Senior Leadership Team (SLT) and Subject Leaders.
When will remote learning be needed?
We envisage remote learning will be used in:
- An individual pupil self isolating
- A class or year group lockdown where a group of children have to self isolate.
- A local lockdown
- A national lockdow
In the event of an individual child isolating activities will be provided through Seesaw or Google Classroom through Asynchronous Learning(see below)
In the event of a year group, local or national lockdown the school will extend it’s remote learning offer through a mixture of:
- Synchronous Learning - teaching and learning occurs together , simultaneously. This is live teaching. This will be implemented from Reception to Year 6 but will vary based on the age of the year group. More guidance will follow.
- Asynchronous Learning - students access learning at different times and work through at their own pace. This will be a model similar to previous home learning where the children will be set independent tasks.
What platforms will we use to upload work to?
- Seesaw in Early Years and Key Stage 1 and Google Classroom in KS2.
- User guides for Seesaw and Google Classroom and other documents including protocols around phone calls, video lesson and recorded video can be can be found here https://tinyurl.com/y43qtlh4
How much work will my child receive?
We expect that remote education (including remote teaching and independent work) will take pupils broadly the following number of hours each day:
- Early Years: No expectation has been set by the DfE for Early Years but we will set a minimum of 2 hours
- Key Stage (KS) 1: A minimum 3 hours a day on average across the cohort
- KS2: A minimum 4 hours a day
What form will this work take?
- Use of recorded or live video for start of day registration, lessons and end of day round up.
- Independent activities
- Printed learning packs if required
- Use of commercial resources such as BBC Bitesize, Oak Academy, Doodle Maths and English, Times Table Rockstars
- We will teach the same curriculum remotely as we do in school wherever possible and appropriate. However, may need to make some adaptations in some subjects such as music.
We recognise that some pupils, for example some pupils with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), may not be able to access remote education without support from adults at home. We acknowledge the difficulties this may place on families, and we will work with parents and carers to support those pupils where required with the support of the Inclusion Manager.
In the event of a year group lockdown the school will offer a device to those families who require one from Reception to Year 6 where the child does not have access to a device at home. Devices will be distributed initially to
- Free School Meal children
- Pupil Premium children
- and then other families where a child does not have device (1 per family)
Once the above is exhausted additional devices will be offered to families who need more than one.
What will be expected of parents during a lockdown?
- Participation in lessons are not optional other than Nursery which is non statutory. If there are any specific family circumstances whereby a child is unable to participate in their learning. Participation and submission of work will be monitored through a whole school register. Where children do not engage we will contact parents to discuss next steps.
- From Reception to Year 6 work (where required) will need to be submitted through Seesaw and Google Classroom by the end of the school day so the teacher can respond and comment where appropriate.
- Children from Year R to 6 will be expected to register via Google Meet so the teacher can outline the day and then join another Google Meet to close the day. We think 9:15am is reasonable because in the event of a year group lockdown parents may still need to get siblings to school . The google meet code will be shared via Seesaw or Google Classroom
Page last updated December 22nd 2021