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Earlsfield Primary School

Inclusion and SEND Info report

Special Educational Needs (SEN) Information Report

As a school we work within the Wandsworth guidance on Provision for children with SEN in mainstream schools which explains the ways pupils/children/students with different additional needs are provided for within the school.

We also follow our ‘Equality and Disability’ policy and we also have an Accessibility Plan

Inclusion Statement

At Earlsfield School, all pupils, regardless of their particular needs, are offered inclusive teaching which will enable them to make the best possible progress in school and feel that they are a valued member of the wider school community.

We may offer the following range of provision to support children with communication and interaction, cognition and learning difficulties, social, mental and health problems or sensory or physical needs, so far as this is reasonable, practical and compatible with the pupil receiving special educational provision and consistent with the efficient education of the other children in the school and the effective use of resources.

We have implemented several measures to meet the needs of children with physical disabilities. These include making reasonable adjustments to the physical environment, providing specialised learning materials and offering additional support from trained staff where necessary. Regular staff training on disability awareness and the promotion of an inclusive school culture also help to foster equality.

We ensure equal access to education when thinking about admission arrangements for pupils with disabilities. This may include adjustments to facilities where the building allows us to do so  such as ramped entrances and toilets as well as completing (where necessary), risk assessments. We also ensure that we provide and maintain access to the physical environment with specific resources such as audio equipment for pupils with hearing impairments, internal signage, pictorial and symbolic representations and Makaton. This ensures that pupils with disabilities can  participate in school life and education, in line with the SEND Code of Practice and include education principles. More information on accessibility can be found in our accessibility plan.

Pupils with SEND are regarded as full members of the school community. All children attending the school have full access to the curriculum, environment, resources, staff and activities so far as this is reasonable, practical and compatible with the pupil receiving special educational provision and consistent with the efficient education of the other children in the school and the effective use of resources.

The school carefully monitors all areas of school like to identify and address any barriers to inclusion for individuals or groups.

Our Inclusion Manager/Special Education Needs Co-ordinator is

Casey Arnaouti

She can be contacted via admin@earlsfield.wandsworth.sch.uk



More information about the Local Offer of services and support for children and young people with special needs and disabilities in Wandsworth can be found on the Family Information website or their helpline is open from 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday on 020 8871 7899.