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Earlsfield Primary School


Reception is taught by Hannah Savage, Dinusha Parry and Rachel Veale, and the support staff team of Mia, Shannel,Alison, Michelle and Teresa. The Reception Team can be contacted via yearr@earlsfield.wandsworth.sch.uk


Autumn 2024 Update


Reception - the class of 2024/25!

 This is where the magic begins! 

 The Reception Staff team are so excited to be part of the beginning of  your child’s learning journey and have lots of wonderful, exciting things for them to look forward to this term. We cannot wait to get to know you all over the coming weeks. 

Autumn Focus:

The focus for the first half of the Autumn term is “It’s good to be me!” It will concentrate on settling into a new environment, meeting new friends, gaining confidence, building good routines and developing a positive attitude to learning. All activities will be centered around ourselves, our families and the people who help us at school. We will create our Class Charter and discuss the schools values: I CARE; INSPIRE, CHALLENGE, ACHIEVE, RESPECT and ENJOY. One of the key texts this half term will be ‘The Colour Monster goes to School’ which will help pupils understand how they are all feeling and give them self regulation skills as they make the transition into the new school year. This and lots more exciting activities, will help pupils answer the question - ‘What is my role in school?’

In the second half term, the focus will be on learning about different celebrations. We will discuss the things that are special to us, the importance of making memories and sharing special moments, whilst also looking at the stories and events surrounding autumn festivals; including Bonfire Night, Diwali and Remembrance Day. Through a range of practical activities your child will begin to answer the question - ‘Why are there different celebrations?’ The children will then begin to explore and find out more about how Christmas is celebrated by some people around the world. This will give them the knowledge and skills they need to perform in their own Christmas Show. 

How can you help us?

Now that your child is beginning Reception, we ask that you help us promote your child’s independence. As they become more familiar with key skills and school routines, please support us by ensuring all your child’s clothes are clearly labelled, this includes all small items such as hats and shoes.  Please ensure that they have their water bottle and school bag every day (that fits an A4 size book), with their Pupil Handbook inside.

We are incredibly fortunate to have lessons taught by our specialists in Music and PE. Reception will be taught Music by Mrs Hancock in the Music Studio on Monday.  AM Sports will also lead a Reception PE lesson each week. 

Reception PE is on Mondays and we ask that all children come into school dressed ready for PE on this day. 

Our curriculum takes us outside in all weathers - we will be outside come rain or shine so can we please also request that your child has the appropriate PE and school day clothing for all weathers, including a waterproof jacket every day.

We look forward to working with you all and are excited for the many learning opportunities ahead!   

Please use our email address for any messages or questions: yearr@earlsfield.wandsworth.sch.uk. Teachers will check their emails before school starts (no later than 8:20am) and after school finishes at 3.20pm. If you have an urgent request, please telephone the school office as we cannot guarantee picking up messages throughout the school day.

Thank you for your support in your child’s learning journey.  

“You’re off to great places! Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting , so get on your way!” Dr. Seuss

Please find below the links to the Reception Curriculum Overview and Knowledge Organisers for the Autumn Term:

Reception curriculum overview

Autumn 1 Reception curriculum KO

Autumn 2 Reception curriculum KO



Days to remember

 Reading records and banded reading books should be inside your child’s book bag every day.


Reading Handbooks in bookbag daily 

Phonics/Reading Books handed in

Book Sharing texts handed in and new ones sent home 

Reception PE


Homework due in via Seesaw


Homework sent out via Seesaw




Reading for pleasure/ hearing others read/ listening to fiction and non-fiction texts / Maths in everyday scenarios. 

Basic Skills including; Phonics - Speed Sounds / Sight Words/ Reading aloud / Doodle Maths / Busy Things


Supporting your child's learning at home

There are many ways in which you can support your child’s learning at home:  

  • Reading and sharing books with your child
  • Encouraging writing in a variety of forms
  • Looking and talking about the world around you
  • Counting objects, e.g. pasta shells, buttons, cuddly toys, Lego
  • Recognising numerals
  • Spotting 2D/3D shapes in the environment
  • Involving your child in cooking activities (including weighing/ measuring)

    Book Sharing texts
    from our class library will be sent home every week.  So please make sure they are returned to school every Monday.

Autumn Term

 YR AUT 1 Our School

YR AUT 2 Celebrations

 Spring Term 

YR SPR1 What are the ingredients of a good tale?

Our focus will be on traditional and fairy tales, thinking about the key question, ‘What are the ingredients of a good tale?’. As the children engage in the range of stories we will use questioning to deepen their understanding of language, character, plot, sequence and setting, as well as studying the role of the author and the illustrator. We will be looking at The Little Red Hen and The Gingerbread Man in particular. The children will be drawing story maps; re-telling the stories through actions and key phrases; and composing their own stories to record in writing.

YR SPR2 What can you find at the bottom of the garden?

We will be learning about the lifecycle of a butterfly. We will look at what makes a good home for a variety of minibeasts and observe them in their natural habitats. Children will have the opportunity to search our outdoor space for bugs and other creatures, as well as taking part in planting activities. As part of our investigations, we will be sorting and classifying minibeasts into groups and looking at their differences and similarities. This topic provides plenty of opportunities for the children to be creative and carry on their learning at home. Get your magnifying glasses ready, the minibeasts are coming!

Summer learning 

 Please find below the links to the Reception Curriculum Overview and Knowledge Organisers for the Summer Term. 

 Reception curriculum overview

 Reception curriculum KO cont.

 Summer Reception curriculum KO