School Council
As a Rights Respecting School the children’s voice and their opinion is very important to us.
For many years we have had an active school council which encourages responsibility, democracy and ownership.
Every year the new RRS School Council visits the Houses of Parliament and meets the local MP. Each year all classes select a representative to sit on the council, which meets half-termly to discuss issues and initiatives, and they are responsible for reporting back to classes.
The RRS School Council also takes an active role in whole school events such as running stalls at PTA events, organising charitable events, meeting stakeholders to give a pupil perspective on whole school decisions and staff recruitment.
More recently, our school council was involved in the value display boards in our school hall. These boards exemplify the school’s values and ethos and we are proud to exhibit them for all visitors to the school to see.
RRS Article 12
You have the right to have your own opinion, which is listened to and taken seriously.
School Council has new elected members for this academic year. Please read our School Constitution.