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Earlsfield Primary School


Children should to come to school dressed in their PE kit on the following days for 2024/24. Please note that Year 3,4 and 5 days may change due to swimming


Reception Monday
Year 1 Thursday, Friday
Year 2 Monday, Thursday 
Year 3

Monday, Thursday

Year 4

Tuesday, Thursday

Year 5

Thursday, Friday

Year 6 Tuesday, Thursday


PE at Earlsfield

The National Curriculum states that: 

“A high-quality physical education curriculum inspires all pupils to succeed and excel in competitive sport and other physically demanding activities. It should provide opportunities for pupils to become physically confident in a way which supports their health and fitness. Opportunities to compete in sport and other activities build character and help to embed values such as fairness and respect.”

At Earlsfield, we intend to do this by:

  • Making PE lessons inspiring to all children
  • Make sportsmanship a focus of every lesson with opportunities to reflect on this at the end of every lesson
  • Ensuring children are exposed to a wide variety of sports to develop skills holistically
  • Provide a curriculum which builds on skills throughout children’s journey through the school
  • Provide clubs for children to continue an active lifestyle outside of curriculum time
  • Encourage children to reflect on their achievements and challenge themselves further
  • Enable every child to take part in sport in a competitive environment both within Earlsfield and the wider borough (temporarily paused due to COVID-19)
  • Providing opportunities for children to become leaders.

We consider good sportsmanship to be at heart of school sport. We arrange a series of matches between local schools, as well as getting involved in inter-borough tournaments. A year of sport at Earlsfield accumulates in a Sports Week, where activities are arranged across the school including sports day and a celebration of different sports and skills.

Our provision is delivered by class teachers and specialist coaches. Specialist coaching takes place through:

  • coaches from AM Sports Academy who teach a variety of sports including football, netball, touch rugby, athletics and hockey.
  • gymnastics
  • swimming for Year 3

How do we promote our school values through PE?


Subject overview 

PE subject overview

How is PE taught?

Two hours of PE a week are shared between class teachers and specialist coaches. AM Sports Academy coaches teach one session per week to every class and cover the core skills, which class teachers then build upon in their sessions. We are also fortunate to have a gymnastics coach every Thursday which classes alternate between so that each class gets 3 half terms of gymnastics per year. In Autumn terms, the focus is on ball skills and co-ordination. Each half term follows the same structure of 5 weeks of skill-based teaching building up to the final lesson of the half term which is a tournament within class. This provides children with competition experience and encourages sportsmanship and teamwork. Where the sport is non-competitive, such as dance, regular performance opportunities are provided throughout the programme, culminating in a celebration performance at the end of the unit.

What is the impact of PE at Earlsfield?


At Earlsfield, all staff follow a school-wide vision for PE. If you walk in to a PE lesson, you would see children being challenged to the best of their abilities and supported  so that they are successful in every lesson. You will see sportsmanship celebrated in lessons and promoted through sportsmanship values boards.

All PE lessons are structured around sportsmanship. At the beginning of each lesson, children are asked to consider on which aspects of sportsmanship will be particularly important in that lesson and this is referred to throughout the session. At the end, children reflect on how they applied sportsmanship to their learning and how they saw other people displaying these qualities. After a full term, each teacher nominated one child who has shown exceptional sportsmanship and this child is awarded a certificate of ‘Sportsperson of the Term’. This is presented in assembly and reported on in the newsletter.

The values were created in the 2018-19 academic year by the Sports Crew – a group of Year 5 and 6 children who are leaders in sport.

Challenge is an essential part of lessons with children being taught how to reflect on their achievements and apply their own challenges to progress their skill. Children are supported in assessing their progress throughout the lesson and implement their own challenges based on STEP: Space, Task, Equipment or People.

After activities, children are asked to share the ways in which they challenged themselves. Additionally, children are also encouraged to reflect on making the task simpler if they are finding it too challenging. The focus is on them experiencing success and adapting lessons so that they achieve this.

Competition (temporarily paused due to COVID-19)

Last year, every child took part in a competitive activity as part of PE.

Each team sport unit ends with an intra-class tournament where children play in a team against the rest of the class, culminating in a final between two teams. Sportsmanship is at the forefront of every tournament

Outside of school, Earlsfield is very active within the borough. AMSA organise weekly tournaments against the other schools which they operate him. These tournaments focus on participation and they aim to include all children in Year 1-6 throughout the year. Earlsfield can regularly be seen at events organised by Wandsworth School Games. Below if a table of the Wandsworth events we took part in last year and the positions we came.

Children as leaders:

The Earlsfield Sports Crew are a group of children who are passionate about improving sport and providing opportunities for all. Last year, the Sports Crew were crucial in the set up of the Jog a Mile initiative for KS2 before schools shut. This year, they will relaunch the initiative as well as introducing their own ideas across the school.

Year 5 children are selected to be Young Leaders who support KS1 children in active games at lunch time. (temporarily paused due to COVID-19)

What do pupils tell us about PE?

How is sportsmanship promoted in your lessons? Year 6 pupil - ‘Teachers praise sportsmanship and encourage it in every lesson. They talk to us about the values every lesson which put you in the mindset of what you need to do.’

Year 3 pupil – ‘AMSA teach us that if you’re a good sportsman, it will help you in your life’

How does you teacher encourage you to challenge yourselves? Year 3 pupil - ‘A lot! They give us challenges like magic corners to give us extra points. I like going for challenges because you can get better at the sport- even if you miss, at least you’ve tried.’

How does it feel to take part in a tournament? Year 6 pupil - ‘Excited because I have lots of adrenaline. I feel proud if I do well but I like to compete with myself.’

Year 2 pupil - ‘It feels scary at first because there are lots of people watching you. Then you get more confident and you get better as you keep trying’

Sport's Premium

The sport premium funding is used effectively. Leaders spend money on providing specialist coaches so pupils experience a wider range of sports.

(Ofsted 2017)

How do we spend our Sport's Premium Funding  funding at Earlsfield?