Year 3
Year 3S are taught by Mrs Stone and 3H by Miss Hayhoe. They are supported by Nicky, Michelle, Beata , Danielle and Teresa. They can be contacted via email:
Autumn 2024 Update
Welcome to Year 3 – a new adventure awaits! We hope you had a wonderful summer break and are ready for an exciting Autumn term. We have so much to look forward to and can't wait to get to know each of you. We're eager to start the year by creating our class charters together and settling into our new classrooms. It's great to be back at school and continuing our learning journey. There's plenty to look forward to this year!
In English, we'll be diving into some fantastic books, including Into The Forest and Gorilla. Please help foster a love of reading by listening to your child read regularly. As your child enters Key Stage 2, we are placing a strong emphasis on reading and expect them to read daily, both in and out of school. To encourage independent reading, children will be able to take home books they have chosen from the class and school library to enjoy at their leisure. Regular practice of spellings is also important, so please support your child with this at home. Spellings will be tested every Monday, and evidence of practice should be recorded in the Pupil Handbook each week. Additionally, please encourage your child to stay on green on Doodle English by practising weekly.
In Mathematics, we'll begin the term with our Place Value topic before moving on to Addition and Subtraction. It's crucial for your child to master their times tables, division facts, and number bonds to and within 10. Quick recall of these number facts will benefit them throughout their time at Earlsfield and beyond. Your child can practise their times tables using Times Tables Rockstars. Other Maths learning can be reinforced using Doodle Maths at, an intuitive programme that sets tasks based on your child's knowledge.
Our History topic for the Autumn term is How did the Roman invasion affect British life? We'll explore the expansion of the Roman Empire, focusing on British life before and after the invasion. We're excited to delve into the child-led enquiry questions generated in the first week of term, such as "What did the Romans eat?", "How many layers do Roman roads have?", and "Why did the Romans build bathhouses?". This topic will kick off with an immersive Roman Day and an exciting trip to Butser Ancient Farm. We'll also get hands-on by preparing for a Roman battle, making our own Roman shields.
In Science, we'll be investigating Animals (including humans) during Autumn 1, looking at the diets of different animals. In Autumn 2, we'll study Rocks and Soils, grouping and sorting them by their properties, and recording information about the different types of rocks. Encourage your child to question the world around them, make observations, and discuss their predictions to support their learning in Science.
We are fortunate to have specialist teachers for Music, PE, and French. This year, your child will learn to play the recorder. They will bring it home to practise, so please ensure they take good care of it and remember to bring it to school every Tuesday. AM Sports will lead our PE lessons on Mondays, and the class teacher will lead PE on Thursdays. Swimming lessons for Year 3 will take place in the Summer term. We are also excited to begin learning French with Madame Clark, who will teach each class fortnightly.
Please remember that Pupil Handbooks must be signed by an adult once a week (before Wednesday evening) to confirm that homework has been completed and checked.
We greatly value your support and are looking forward to an exciting year ahead. If you have any questions or queries, please don’t hesitate to email our Year 3 address.
Key Learning
You can find out about our approach to all our subjects through the curriculum page but the headlines for the year group are below.
Children can maintain positive attitudes to reading and understanding by:
- I can continue to read and discuss a wide range of age appropriate fiction, poetry, plays, non-fiction and reference books or textbooks
- I can increase my familiarity with a wide range of books including myths, legends and traditional stories, modern fiction, fiction from our literary heritage, and books from other cultures and traditions
- I can recommend books I have read to my peers, giving reasons for my choices
- I can identify and discuss themes and conventions in writing
- I can make comparisons within and across books
- I can prepare poems and plays to read aloud and to perform, showing understanding through intonation, tone and volume so that the meaning is clear to an audience
Children can understand what they read by:
- I can check that the book I am reading makes sense and I can discuss my understanding and explore the meaning of words in context
- I can ask questions to improve my understanding
- I can draw inferences such as inferring characters' feelings, thoughts and motives from their actions, and justify inferences with evidence
- I can predict what might happen from details stated and implied
- I can discuss and evaluate how authors use language, including figurative language, considering the impact on the reader
- I can distinguish between statements of fact and opinion
- I can retrieve, record and present information from non-fiction
- I can participate in discussions about books building on their own and others' ideas and challenging view courteously
By the end of Y3 a child should be able to write down their ideas with a reasonable degree of accuracy and with good sentence punctuation. They are beginning to understand the skills and processes that are essential for writing: that is, thinking aloud to explore and collect ideas drafting, and re-reading to check the meaning is clear. Common words are spelt correctly including exception words and other words that have been learnt.
- I can begin to create setting, characters and plot in narrative piece
- I am beginning to organise paragraphs around a theme.
- I can use simple layout devices in non-fiction texts –e.g. headings and sub-headings to aid presentation.
- I can express time, place and cause using conjunctions [for example, when, before, after, while, so, because], adverbs [for example, then, next, soon, therefore], or prepositions [for example, before, after, during, in, because of]
- I can use the present and past tense mostly correctly and consistently
- I am beginning to make deliberate ambitious word choices to add detail
- I can use full stops and capital letters (including for proper nouns) question marks and exclamation marks correctly
- I am beginning to use inverted commas to punctuate direct speech
- I can use commas to separate items in a list.
- I am beginning to use subordinate clauses
- I can use ‘a’ or ‘an’ correctly
- Use of the present perfect form of verbs instead of the simple past [for example, He has gone out to play contrasted with He went out to play]
- I can form nouns using a range of prefixes [for example super–, anti–, auto–]
- I can spell some of the year 3 and 4 spelling words correctly
- I can use the diagonal and horizontal strokes that are needed to join letters and understand which letters, when adjacent to one another, are left unjoined.
Greater depth (working above the national expected standard)
- I can confidently use conjunctions, adverbs or prepositions to express time, place or cause
- I can organise paragraphs around a theme
- I can use the present tense and past tense correctly and consistently
- I can choose ambitious words
Statutory spellings
Autumn 1 |
Autumn 2 |
Spring 1 |
Spring 2 |
Summer 1 |
Summer 2 |
actual learn group heard arrive circle often build |
eight caught centre century heart breath busy early |
continue decide island minute difficult earth consider enough |
perhaps address guard material recent guide forward fruit |
though notice quarter length library famous describe mention answer appear |
actually extreme February certain height history imagine increase interest important |
How did the Roman invasion affect British life?
How did the Windrush generation influence British Culture?
We set homework in Key Stage 2 in the following ways:
- Spellings - bring handbook to school as usual
- Guided Reading - bring handbook to school as usual
- Literacy and Topic - Google Classroom
- Talking Homework - Google Classroom
- Maths - TTRS (Times Tables Rock Stars) and Mathletics
Students without digital access will get paper copies (need to return book)
You can access our guide to google classrooms or if you have any technical or password issues please email
Days to remember
Day | Activity |
Monday |
PE (wear PE Kit to school) Spelling test (and new spellings given out) Art lessons |
Tuesday |
Homework turned in on Google Classroom (TTRS and Doodle daily practice included)
Recorder brought in to school (to be taken home on the same day) |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Homework set on Google Classroom PE (wear kit to school) |
Friday |
Pupil Handbooks signed and in school for weekly reflection and sent home |
As frequently as possible. |
Home reading Doodle (Maths, Tables, English and Spell) Times Table Rockstars |
Other things you need to know
School Uniform | Packed Lunches & Snacks | Contact Us |